De aquellos barros, estos lodos [He who sows winds, reaps storms]

El presidente Klaus anuncia que accede a firmar el Tratado de Lisboa
Nuestra prensa trata de minimizar el hecho de que Bruselas haya asentido a las exigencias del presidente Vaclav Klaus para acceder a la firma del Tratado de Lisboa: ni un euro en indemnizaciones para los alemanes expulsados de los Sudetes después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Sin embargo, las consecuencias políticas de ceder ante ese chantaje serán importantes. Así, será difícil mantener las exigencias de disculpas históricas e indemnizaciones en otros casos. Por ejemplo, las referidas al genocidio armenio de 1915 y las reparaciones consiguientes. Curiosamente, The Guardian publicó inmediatamente un artículo titulado: “Britain accused of ‘genocide denial’ over Armenia”
Our press tries to minimize the fact that Brussels has acquiesced to the demands of President Vaclav Klaus for agreeing to sign the Lisbon Treaty: not a single euro in compensation for Germans expelled from the Sudetenland after World War II. However, the political consequences of giving in to this blackmail will be important. Therefore, it will be difficult to maintain historical demands for apologies and compensation in some other cases. For instance, those referred to the Armenian genocide of 1915 and subsequent repairs. Interestingly enough, next day “The Guardian” published an article entitled: "Britain accused of 'genocide denial' over Armenia"
Our press tries to minimize the fact that Brussels has acquiesced to the demands of President Vaclav Klaus for agreeing to sign the Lisbon Treaty: not a single euro in compensation for Germans expelled from the Sudetenland after World War II. However, the political consequences of giving in to this blackmail will be important. Therefore, it will be difficult to maintain historical demands for apologies and compensation in some other cases. For instance, those referred to the Armenian genocide of 1915 and subsequent repairs. Interestingly enough, next day “The Guardian” published an article entitled: "Britain accused of 'genocide denial' over Armenia"
Etiquetas: Chequia, genocidio armenio, Sudetes, UE, Vaclav Klaus
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