Victimismo rumano [Romanian victimhood]

Bucarest, 23 de diciembre, 1989. La multitud se escuda tras un vehículo blindado del Ejército, mientras los reclutas disparan hacia alguna ventana donde, supuestamente, se esconde un francotirador de la Securitate. Sin embargo, nunca se enjuició a ninguna de las personas detenidas aquellos días. De hecho, tampoco se capturó a ningún francotirador real. Si que tuvieron lugar muchas y lamentables confusiones, con numerosos muertos inocentes.
Tras un interesante artículo sobre la ruinosa situación de Rumania, el periodista añade y da por buenas las impresiones de la gente en la calle. Queda bastante claro que los rumanos llevan veinte años echando las culpas de sus desgracias a fantasmas inexistentes. Siempre las mismas explicaciones sobre “redes comunistas secretas”, misteriosos “grupos de presión” y el “trauma de la dictadura”. Sin embargo, cuando el centro-derecha ganó por primera vez las elecciones en 1996, Andrei Pleşu, una de las cabezas más inteligentes del país dijo: “Ahora ya no podremos seguir echando la culpa de todo al comunismo. La responsabilidad de lo que nos suceda será nuestra”. A día de hoy, la Unión Europea piensa lo mismo.
Y por cierto: la cifra oficial de muertos en la Revolución rumana de 1989 fue de 1.104 muertos, no de 10.000. Y buena parte de ellos a causa del Ejército, no de la Securitate.
After an interesting article about the situation of failure in Romania, the author, a Spanish journalist, adds the result of interviews to people on the street. Is quite clear that the Romanians have been blaming, during twenty years, to the same old ghosts for all their misfortunes . Again and again, the usual explanations about the "secret Communist networks," the mysterious "pressure groups" and the "trauma of dictatorship": always the same exaggerations and legends. However, when the Center-Right won the elections for the first time in 1996, Andrei Pleşu (philosopher, essayist, journalist, literary and art critic, and politician), one of the country's most sparkling personalities, said: “From now on, we should no longer put the blame for everything on Communism. The responsibility for what would happens to us, will be ours”. Today, the European Union agrees with it.
By the way: the official death toll in the Romanian Revolution of 1989 was 1,104 deaths, not 10,000. And many of them because the Army, not the Securitate.
Y por cierto: la cifra oficial de muertos en la Revolución rumana de 1989 fue de 1.104 muertos, no de 10.000. Y buena parte de ellos a causa del Ejército, no de la Securitate.
After an interesting article about the situation of failure in Romania, the author, a Spanish journalist, adds the result of interviews to people on the street. Is quite clear that the Romanians have been blaming, during twenty years, to the same old ghosts for all their misfortunes . Again and again, the usual explanations about the "secret Communist networks," the mysterious "pressure groups" and the "trauma of dictatorship": always the same exaggerations and legends. However, when the Center-Right won the elections for the first time in 1996, Andrei Pleşu (philosopher, essayist, journalist, literary and art critic, and politician), one of the country's most sparkling personalities, said: “From now on, we should no longer put the blame for everything on Communism. The responsibility for what would happens to us, will be ours”. Today, the European Union agrees with it.
By the way: the official death toll in the Romanian Revolution of 1989 was 1,104 deaths, not 10,000. And many of them because the Army, not the Securitate.
Etiquetas: European Union, Revolución rumana de 1989, Romania, Romanian revolution
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